The best way to travel around Cambridge is by bike. When you come to CIO you will be given a bike if you need one. If you are from the UK and can bring your own bike that would be great.
Our host families mostly live between 15 and 30 minutes cycle from the town centre.
We do try our best to put those who can’t ride a bike in host families no more than 30 minutes walk from the centre.
Each day you will make one journey into town (in the morning) and one journey back to your host family (after the café, late at night). Occasionally you may need to cycle somewhere in the day time e.g. on an errand.
You will be speaking and listening to English every day. Your English level needs to be good enough to understand seminars and Bible teaching in English, and to help the language students we are meeting with their English. As well as having good listening skills you should be confident in having conversations in English. We recommend an equivalent of at least 550 points in TOEFL or 6 in IELTS.
Please don’t come on the team if your main reason is to improve your English!
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